Current Location: Forward Sentry Array, Solar Mariatus
Super Heavy Status: Vacant
Cities of Death Stratagem Points: 0
Planet Strike Stratagem points: 0
System Fame Points: 1
Bonus Stats: +1 Attack
Battles Won: 2
Battles Lost: 2
Times Rescued:1
Assault on Solar Mariatus 000.082.M42: After being sent to reclaim the Space port on Solar Mariatus Horus Aximand was defeated on the battle field strategically, and bested in mortal combat by Sergeant Slab of the Cadian System Defence force, and Eliazar of the Dark Angels.
Slabs Crusade 000.138.M42: Little Horus Aximand met Sgt. Slab on the battle field for a second time. Out maneuvered and out gunned Horus spent most of the battle cowering behind his defenses in an attempt to stay alive. Enemy artillery rained, shaking the hive city to the ground. Horus narrowly escapes to the forward sentry array with his life.
Operation Competent Siege 000.218: Ulmar launches Operation: Competent Siege attacking Horus Aximand, and his forces on Solar Mariatus. Ulmar is wounded, his cries for mercy lost among the din of battle. The Black Legion forces envelop the remaining Cadian troops, and crush them to a man. Ulmar is captured alive by Horus Aximand; Operation Competent Siege is a failure.
Massacre in the Hive City 000.333 M42 The body of Horus Aximand has not been recovered. The last reported sighting of Horus Aximand was on Solar Mariatus. Immediately after dispatching an imperial guard officer in combat, his trans-human frame began to +++RECORD EXPUNGED+++ and that was the last sighting of him.
Assault on Solar Mariatus 000.082.M42: After being sent to reclaim the Space port on Solar Mariatus Horus Aximand was defeated on the battle field strategically, and bested in mortal combat by Sergeant Slab of the Cadian System Defence force, and Eliazar of the Dark Angels.
Slabs Crusade 000.138.M42: Little Horus Aximand met Sgt. Slab on the battle field for a second time. Out maneuvered and out gunned Horus spent most of the battle cowering behind his defenses in an attempt to stay alive. Enemy artillery rained, shaking the hive city to the ground. Horus narrowly escapes to the forward sentry array with his life.
Operation Competent Siege 000.218: Ulmar launches Operation: Competent Siege attacking Horus Aximand, and his forces on Solar Mariatus. Ulmar is wounded, his cries for mercy lost among the din of battle. The Black Legion forces envelop the remaining Cadian troops, and crush them to a man. Ulmar is captured alive by Horus Aximand; Operation Competent Siege is a failure.
Massacre in the Hive City 000.333 M42 The body of Horus Aximand has not been recovered. The last reported sighting of Horus Aximand was on Solar Mariatus. Immediately after dispatching an imperial guard officer in combat, his trans-human frame began to +++RECORD EXPUNGED+++ and that was the last sighting of him.
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