Welcome to the Cadian Gate Campaign blog: a narrative based campaign set in Games Workshop's Warhammer 40,000 universe.


Current Location: Hive Cities, Solar Mariatus
Super Heavy Status: Vacant
Cities of Death Stratagem Points: 2
Planet Strike Stratagem points: 2
System Fame Points: 2

Bonus Stats: +2 Initiative 

Battles Won: 3
Battles Lost: 1
Times Rescued:0

Assault on Solar Mariatus 000.082.M42: In conjunction with Eliazar of the Dark Angels, Sargent Slab successfully repelled the forces of the Black Legion at the space port on Solar Mariatus. Before the Black Legion fled the field of battle Sergeant Slab personally helped to best Aximand in mortal combat, and took him prisoner. Sergeant Slab gains 1 Fame point and improves his Initiative value by 1 for his efforts.

Slabs Crusade 000.138.M42: Infuriated by the news of Aximand's escape Sgt. Slab led a full fledged crusade across the surface of Solar Mariatus. The wake of Slab's sojourn to the hive cities of Solar Mariatus left twelve-million-eight-hundred-forty-two-thousand civilians homeless, and dying from exposure. Slab was cut off from his strategic goals due to an assassination maneuver performed by specialized Black Legion Terminators. Due to the roll of a 3+ Sgt Slab escapes the encounter unscathed.

Abaddon's Alpha Strike 000.300.M42 Bored with his Legion's stagnation in the center of the system Abaddon decides to lead a spear-tip assault personally. After a week long mobilization effort at his behest, a highly elite Black Legion force descends upon Solar Mariatus. The assault on Slab is an obvious failure. Over the din of his ringing ego he can make out the familiar sound of lasfire; surely the sounds of his hounds being put down. Laying on his back his vision begins to creep in from the edges. A shadow looms above him blocking rays of sunshine. "You sleep now", said the giant above him. Without missing a beat Sgt. Slab lifts his shield, and slams it down across the bridge of Ezekyle's nose.

Massacre in the Hive City 000.333 M42 Unfortunately for the somewhat famed Ogryn, Sgt. Slab was sadly slain at an infamous battle on Solar Mariatus. He died in a valiant charge doing the will of his God Emperor, and hunting his nemesis Horus Aximand. He succumbed to wounds sustained from Astarte mass reactive rounds.

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